Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: January 2015

God Energy!

God EnergyThere are many truths surrounding our individual belief in what God is or is not. If you have been reading my Blogs on Facebook or from my other site because they resonate with you, then I can safely say that on some level you have some belief in head or heart of God and whatever that means to you at this point in time is your own business. If you do not agree with this statement then you may need to ask yourself what is your purpose or agenda here and is it in alignment with your own truth.

I do not often speak of God, but have learnt throughout my life that there is a God and for me God is an energy that flows through me and through all life on earth connecting us as one.

Mankind in his entire ego has created an ignominious surrounding the word God, planting the seed of doubt or shame by association…creating a disconnection to ones truth in God and therefore mankind find it difficult to reconnect to God and all life on earth in all of its true essence. However through a shift in consciousness this is now changing and more and more of mankind are reawakening and reconnecting to their heart centre, thus created the shift into Oneness.

Now as we merge in Oneness, becoming one with God and all life… creating the New World, re-instating peace, balance, and harmony from within our heart centre… this now more than ever is the time to reconnect and step forward in God energy.

God is waiting for us all to reawaken from the denseness of the ego that has disconnection us all from our true path in love and light, in essence… as Gods.

God only asks us to have complete trust, belief and faith in ourselves and to put that trust, belief and faith into action in all that we do, so that we can become/be all that we are meant to be, to discover and serve through our souls purpose, to live our full potential… creating all that we desire from the heart, our true heart’s desire, not of what we have been conditioned to desire through our earthly experience, in turn restoring peace, balance and harmony to all life on earth and throughout the Universe.

God is simply waiting for us to reconnect to our heart centre, allowing god energy to flow through us for we are god energy, we are all creation, we are all god in motion.

God is not an external force here to serve or save us or to provide for us. God is within us, there for we need to serve and save ourselves from all egos in order to be in true essence of God, at which point all will be as it should be in all of its heavenly co-creation…creation of the heart and soul… God in motion…

You may ask why? Why are we going through this process, it may seem cruel to you. Why do we come to earth as spirit beings, to have a human experience in the disharmony and destruction of ego, the answer is evolution – while we started out as god energy, we started our soul existence much the same as we start our human existence and to be all that we can be in God energy, we must evolve, we must learn and earn the right to be Gods for as Gods we have the gift and the power to hold all life in our hands/hearts. We all are the creators of the world we live in.

We are in control of our experiences, no one else holds that power over us, not our parents, not our authorities, our governments, it is there job to shelter, protect, love, nurture and guide us to the point at which we can do for ourselves as human beings, it is our job as a collective or community to love, care for, support, inspire and encourage one another to be all that we can be from the heart in God essence, to live in health, harmony and happiness. We have the power to be what we want to be and to create a world that we most desire, all from within our own heart centre through our God energy, so ask yourself… what truth lies within your true heart’s desire, stripped of all ego and all conditioning and what do you need to change in order to be all that you can be for your highest good and the greater good of all life on earth.

Once you hear your heart speak your truth, you have the power to change your world, to save yourself and to become all that you are meant to become in God energy. You have the gift and the power to heal the world from within your own heart. Everything in this world is a choice.

I believe all God asks from us is to expand our hearts in love, light, faith and truth and the rest will follow.

Nadine X

 Nadine Head © 2015

A New Day! A New Life!

Today is a new day as is each day but if you woke feeling different this morning there is a very good reason for that, for the fog has lifted, what has been dull will now begin to clear bringing with it a ‘New Life’ awakening from within what has until now been lying dormant.

We have entered into a new state of awareness and literally stepped into a ‘New Life’ on a whole new level. The world is awakening to a new state of consciousness on this very day.

To some of you, It may seem like this shift has literally happened over night but it has in fact taken some time in coming to fruition, hence the effects we have been experiencing over the last 12 months and more so through the shift that have taken place since July last year.

The world may now seem very different, that is because it is. The current shift will continue to expand one’s awareness in more profound way and can be felt from now through to the end of March, with another significant shift of ‘Spiritual Awareness’ taking place throughout the month of February, expanding ones spiritual awareness towards raising the ‘Spiritual Truth’ that lies within one’s own heart. This shift will bring many changes to the individual and to the world as a whole, being a turning point towards more peace and harmony on earth, know that any external appearances on a worldly exsistence are simply masking truth and will indeed help restore balance, peace, and harmony to all life in the years that follow.

We will now begin to see the benefits of this shift in a more conscious state of awareness. You may begin to see your surroundings, people, and situations from a very different perspective or state of awareness. You may notice significant changes within body, mind, and spirit. Your senses are now being heightened to new levels of awareness towards discovering new found spiritual knowledge, wisdom, faith, gifts, abilities and much more from within.

Assisting the Universe from here on is to live from love and peace within all that you do, yet not consciously directed towards one thing or another. Love and light energy exists through being rather than directing; this way of being will now be the success of mankind and all life on earth. The shift towards existing through being is eminent and is imperative to the future of mankind.

To move through these next few months with more ease is to take each day at a time, remaining true to one’s self and in the mindfulness of following the Divine Laws of Letting Go, Allowing Stillness, Living in Truth, Recognising Possibilities, and Growing in Wisdom.

Do not become concerned if you are not consciously aware of these shifts taking place, one will soon begin to receive the benefits of these shifts, it maybe that you do not need to be aware of the process at this time, know that all is as it should be. Trust and allow the process to be whatever it needs to be for you and don’t concern yourself with another’s path or process. There is no right or wrongs in this process, we are all in this together, we are all one and we will all benefit from these shifts in our own way, time and space.

Nurture and love yourselves and one another each and every day as you go about your activities, all will come to light with Divine Guidance within Divine Timing, As Intended.

“Hold fast this phenomenon… for we are bringing forth ‘New Life’ For All Life.” – Works of Higher Intelligence.

Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X

Nadine Head ©2015



Serendipitous postHave you ever experiencing an offering of signs through serendipitous encounters? These synchronized happy coincidences are in abundance at this time. We are experiencing many signs of fortunate opportunities as we receive what we have asked for and put into action our true heart’s desire.

It may be that you find yourself time and time again in the right place at the right time, having the same experience or experiences consecutively over a period of time, running into the same person or people, coming across the same sequence of events, numbers, words etc over a period of days, weeks, or even months.

These unexpected fortuitous occurrences have significant meaning and offer the persons involved insight into what they may be missing, where to look for answers, or what they need to focus on, learn, gain, or grow from at this time, perhaps you have made an incorrect judgment or dismissed someone or something that had something wonderful to offer. These are signs of fortunate and opportune discoveries, blessings just waiting to be discovered.

IF you are experiencing these random and fortunate strokes of luck, you are being offered a sign to connect deeper in some way or look for the hidden meaning or treasure being offered to you at this time through the chance encounters of serendipity.

It’s time to pay close attention, reassess the situation… asking yourself…

What is it that I am not seeing?
What do I need to pay close attention to?
What is it about this experience that I have to reassess?
Have I missed an opportunity here?
Have I ignored the blessing in this situation?
Where and why is this happening?

These serendipitous encounters will continue to surprise and delight you, until you either stop and or discover what you are meant to discover from them or until the opportunity for advancement and fortune has passed you by altogether, through your lack of attention.

Serendipitous encounters always have something positive to offer, it is therefore in your best interest to seek its propitious guidance that will indeed benefit you in some way.

Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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