Psychic Medium Channeler

About Nadine

Nadine Head Nadine has 16 years experience as a Reiki and Seichim Master; Nadine started developing her reading abilities in her late teens and has had spiritual encounters as far back as 7 years of age that she can remember. Over the years Nadine has naturally developed a wide range of ways to connect with spirit/source. As a psychic, using the Clair’s, Medium-ship, Psychometry, Past Live Visionary, Telepathy, Automatic Writing, and Channeling. Nadine has a long standing acknowledgement with a high accuracy rate throughout the community. Nadine became a Pellowah Practitioner in early 2010 and has developed other natural and certified skills over her life time.

My why…

The journey that brought me to this point began as a child growing up in the 70’s. My spiritual experiences have been difficult at times but looking back, it has been a life time of delightful discoveries and wonderment in expression and expansion of awareness throughout the years that I will treasure forever and serve to help others experience the same or similar for themselves.

Connected to source and to the spirit world from a young age hasn’t always been easy for me but it has proven to be a true blessing in my life. Somehow I always managed to hold my faith, trusting, believing, and following whatever came through in love and light, for my own personal guidance and spiritual growth and that of others. Often for the receiving and the deliverance of Universal knowledge and wisdom of what was to come ahead of time, much of which is now coming to fruition.

This site is about me and my channeled works, offering insight into what we are experiencing as spirit beings having a human experience on earth and of the energetic changes taking place on our planet and throughout the Universe through the energy of Oneness. We have now moved out of the old world energies of ego and are now merging together in the new world energies of Oneness. This phenomenon is assisting us to restore to true peace, balance and harmony to all life on earth and throughout the Universe, through complete truth in love and light.

My passion and purpose is to assist other to move through this time with easy and more understanding and healing of whatever it may be that they themselves have not yet brought into consciousness with love and light, thus helping to heal the world… one heart at a time, yet connect as one. X

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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