Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: September 2015

Physical Signs of Resistance for Transformation

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People come into our lives to learn, show, guide and to grow. Often offering insight into what we are not our selves willing or able to see, feel, or touch. To get the most out of these experiences we must be open, honest, and willing to be fully present… take a leap of faith into/towards the unknown, without fear. Practice of Divine Law brings us to this understanding and to the point of complete oneness… not an easy task at first but one that offers wholeness once mastered… in complete oneness. The road to complete oneness is a bumpy one but offers a smooth passage to true greatness and true success on all levels of existence, as a result of ones true efforts.

The Practice of Divine Law by…

Letting go

Living in Truth

Allowing Stillness

Recognizing Possibilities

Growing in Wisdom

Our fears and insecurities are what hold us back from reaching our full potential. There is no fear, restriction or resistance of what is fully possible in reaching ones full potential, except one’s own thought process/imagination. Believe and faiths are the keys one requires to complete the journey towards all that there is on offer… all possibilities and potential… simply waiting ones discovery.

Are you finding your physical body is reacting at this point in time to any and all resistance? Than your physical body is leading the way right now due to a lack of right action within divine law, if it is reacting with a negative response than you need to stop and focus on what it is bringing to your attention without delay as it will only continue to manifest in illness of great proportion if not addressed and brought to action until you pay attention and take action, alternatively the universe is taking action for you in creating situations that will have you stop in your tracks, slowing you down until you make the necessary changes need for the better. So ask yourself what am I resisting? What is being brought to my attention or offered to me that I am not willing to see or step into?

Do not allow resistance to hold you back from all that is possible right now in health, wealth, and happiness, these are great times for growth in an accelerated motion, offering miraculous outcomes in complete truth of the self. Acknowledge what is being brought forward and with the practice of divine law take a leap of faith towards your full potential, your greatest success and towards complete oneness with ease, in all areas of your existence.

Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X

© Nadine Head 2015

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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