Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: February 2016

Meet others where you are – A timely reminder.


This is a time to remember a way of being as we evolve…

We can only truly meet a person, situation or even a statement as deeply as we have met ourselves. As we heal and expand we met one at a new level of love and light.

Our journey in comparison to another’s will never be the same, it can only be similar. 

Opinion… put into prospective… ego…. can be debilitating beyond comprehension, if one who has not travelled as deeply into themselves as the other and offers their own untruth of an individual experience.

Release this conditioning thought process and move towards freedom in love and light.

Use your words when simply offering your opinion more wisely. They are much more powerful than you will ever know.

Treat others as you would like to be treated, love others as you would like to be loved, use your love and light to guide another only to the depth of your own… trying to go beyond your own meeting place is to live in untruth… in ego… causing disharmony to one’s self and or another.

Trying ones best to live our truth and to offer our EXPERIENCE with only our own level of understanding of it is necessary for our expansion into oneness and learning to listen beyond that of our own experience. This is a calling from the depths of the heart for one to look deeply into the world of truth and action… through love and light from within.

Look deeply into your actions and how they impact on those around you, only when you can truly face this with complete truth, love and light, will you begin to understand the depth and meaning of human experience and life on earth, only then ALL LIFE on earth will move into the realm of expansion to far greater depths then currently recognized and EXPERIENCED.

Meet yourself where only light exists, from there you can truly meet another through connection and attraction of vibration… In BEING!

In being fully present of oneself we can meet all life in the place… of ONENESS.


Nadine X

©Nadine Head 2016

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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