Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: April 2016

The Emergence of Light in one’s Perception…


Sometimes the appearance of darkness is the light shining through. Perception is rarely made up of facts in complete truth of events. Perception is made up of awareness through the senses and if one is not fully aware of the self in love and light then one’s  perception can be distorted to some degree and therefore one’s perception may be of varying untruth in love and light of the energy that flows between two people or events.

Take for instance one’s experiences with others where judgement is often readily passed. Consider this, if it didn’t harm you why hold on to it in darkness of the self… why let it pass your lips… in darkness of the self. Why let it affect your way of being in darkness of the self… Let it Go and allow it to show you the light it holds, in turn shining brightly in light of the self.

What takes place between two individuals in their own truth and is in truth… of light vibration…which exists on levels that is untouched and unseen by what simply appears on the surface… therefore it is not for us to judge or criticize what takes place between others, we may see, sense or feel we know their truth and what is taking place, building our own perception of events or truth but in truth only they can know what truth in light runs through them and between each other, which can be of this world or another and being greatly different and felt on a higher or deeper level, unseen or felt and perceived by the on looker, giving the appearance of darkness when in actual fact there is light.

Don’t allow your preconceived ideas of what things or people should be to destroy a good thing or person, let go and step into… the flow of light… authenticity, truth and freedom of the self… allowing growth and expansion on all levels for all concerned and for the world as a whole.

We are currently moving in the energy of Oneness… a way of being… creating change of revolutionary and evolutionary proportion. Evolution requires great shifts in body, mind and spirit… raising ones vibrational Energy to the light they hold within, not what one perceives that light to be but of its existence in love and light of all truth.

Often a New Way of Being is difficult to accept, let alone embrace when it challenges the old ways and beliefs but once you allow yourself to Let Go and Allow… all truth in freedom…. the light it holds can be felt… and what simply appeared as darkness emerges as light… emergence of light in one’s perception… light energy in motion of revolution and evolution. All truth holds love and light! ALL TRUTH HOLD LOVE AND LIGHT!

Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X


Works of Higher Intelligence.

© Nadine Head 2016

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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