Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: April 2018

Easter Sunday Profound Revelation Channeled Update



The following statement is a direct message from source and may surprise, trigger or even shock you;


Ask that you sit with this information for a while, and feel into it before passing judgment.

Breathe, Allow Stillness… Listen to your Inner Guide…

Your soul knows this truth!


Dear Earth Souls

The reinstatement of oneness is incomplete, mankind must embody oneness, before planet earth can thrive in complete oneness… the creation of heaven on earth.

 Please understand that what I am about to deliver is Your Truth, Our Truth, and it is All Truth!

3D Energies (external energies) healing energies, grounding, balancing and manifestation energies used throughout the state of Ego, ‘3D awareness’ were gifted to mankind to assist mankind through the state of Ego, with the intention to help bring mankind through the state of ego and to this point… the reinstatement of Oneness… the awareness of a new and improved ‘Energy System’… creating peace, balance and harmony…indicative of Love and Wholeness… In Light of Oneness! This process is incomplete and remains so while ever mankind resists the embodiment of Oneness… your soul’s truth.

While the reinstatement of oneness is an entirely different ‘Energy System’ than external/channeled energies in their current state, these energies derived and are destined to return to Oneness; this transition is dictated by Mankind’s ability to surrender and embrace this transformation from one state of being to another… releasing all that one knows to be true to date within the ego state of existence, thus based on a false truth of all Life on Earth and throughout the Universe, inclusive of Channeled Universal Healing Energies.

Now the time has come for all life to reconnect in ‘Divine Oneness,’ in order for this to happen, mankind must surrender to this process.

Many Great Energy Healers are aware of this Truth and have already made the transition,

from using channeled energy to, embodying the Energy of Oneness.

Please understand that these energies are not one in the same.

The Divine speaks to your soul and requests your audience



Your soul’s heart vibration is your guide to wholeness, this prerequisite is incomplete

Twin Souls,

Your hearts beat as one, your soul’s heart vibration is your guide to wholeness, and this prerequisite is incomplete

Return to and go within yourself for the answers you seek. I, Thy Mother (All that is Divine) calls you home, connect and expand your energies in love and light as one with the Divine, allowing thee to guide you, to embody the divine energy of oneness for healing, grounding, re-balancing and manifesting your ‘Divine Truth’.

Release the remnants of ego… all that separates us and embody Oneness.

The Divine asks that mankind refrain from using ‘3D’ energy practices and release them back into the Universe for transmutation as originally intended. The continuation and use of 3D Energy Forces in their current form, is holding mankind back from moving forward, in the expansion of oneself, and of the world as one. Now is the time to merge with the energy of oneness… expand your own energies out into the universe, and deep into the earth as one…breathe and connect as one… invoking profound energies of Oneness… assisting in lifting the anchoring effects of the 3D experience of external energies from the earth’s plane for transmutation… replenishing and expanding the earths energies… awakening mankind, for further expansion.

We understand this revelation is difficult to fathom and that it will take some time for mankind to adjust, however the transitional process we outline, from one state of being to another is inevitable and mankind must learn these new processes… in alignment with oneness. Holding 3D energies in action creates resistance towards Wholeness and Oneness, lengthening the transitional process for all life on earth. If you do not believe us, look within yourself and consciously move into the energy of oneness by connection to the ‘Divine Living System,’ allowing your heart connection to bring this truth to your awareness, for the continued use of these energies is ones resistance to Let Go of all that one knows to be true within the 3D plane, thus the remanence of ego, these energies will be transmuted into oneness once released from the earthly plane and mankind will be guided to embody Oneness.

Not everything is as it seems, channeled energies have been exploited.

The Divine asks mankind to release external channeled energies from our energy practices and move into the embodiment of ‘Oneness for expansion’ for the greater good of all life on earth and throughout the Universe as one. External energies have served a purpose and offered a great service as mankind journeyed through the ‘Ego State’ of consciousness. Now is the time to understand and come to accept this process, releasing external energies to the universe for transmutation and to embrace the embodiment of Oneness in truth of its entirety. Oneness is a practice that must be mastered within oneself before it is Complete… serving as one nation.

It is mankind’s desire to move towards wholeness, towards Oneness, it is because of this, WE allowed the reinstatement of Oneness. We ask that mankind, do not anchor your-selves to the earth (The human experience) by continuing to use the 3D energy techniques, these energies and techniques have served their purpose. Now mankind is awakening to higher dimensions and is being guided to move into the New World Energy System of Oneness and learn its practices…Oneness healing must take place within oneself for the greater good of humanity and all life on earth and throughout the universe, as one! Your future depends on it! What you are being asked to release is small in comparison to what you will gain. New ways of grounding, re-balancing, healing and manifesting are being gifted to you through Oneness and are far more effective than anything you have ever experienced before.

Some of the great leaders and healers of the world have been entrusted to deliver new pathways in due course;

We ask that you entrust.


Let your Soul guide you by reconnecting to your divine truth and to all life on earth and throughout the universe as one… lifting any illusions. You are a magnificent embodiment of love and light in your truest form. You, yourself are your greatest guide, healer and manifestation of your own reality and beyond. Lift your spirits to new heights and rejoice in the creative manifestation of your own reality.


We welcome you to The New Earth.

We walk among you with Love, in Light of Oneness!


Channeled By Nadine Head

Founder of Vorce Healing

The ‘Healing Energy’ of Oneness


‘Activating Transformative Healing Energies of Oneness for Expansion’

Oneness Information Sessions & Vorce Healing Activation Workshops Available within Australia.

(Conditions Apply)


Now more than ever is the time to be your own guide, listen closely to your souls heart resonance and let it guide you forward… all the answers you seek are now becoming conscious within your body, mind and spirit… listen, trust and follow your souls truth for guidance of all truth within and beyond.

Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2018

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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