Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: January 2020

My Thoughts

I find it disgraceful how Greta Thunberg has been treated by some of the people who oppose her cause. ANYONE who judges criticises or condemns another human being, let alone a child for standing up for what they believe in, not for self-gain, but for the greater good of all life on earth, undoubtedly needs to go within and ask themselves the question…why? And will undoubtedly reap what they sow at some point in their life for the karmic energy they are creating for themselves. Unfortunately there are still people in the world who take it upon themselves to try to break down other human beings for their own self-gratification. Broken people often hurt the innocent and I can truthfully say I have been on both sides of this coin…understanding the unresolved… the healing and healed process.

Coming back to Greta, this beautiful, untamed soul is courageous, passionate and a pillar of great strength to her peers, the community and world at large, who fearlessly puts herself out there, backing herself as much as possible given all of the circumstances and is willing to learn and grow as she goes along, and all at such a young age. What a champion! I don’t know many adults that can say the same for themselves, let alone anyone else. We need more people standing up for the greater good of all life on earth… trying to make a difference, even if they stumble a little along the way… after all we are human and we are here to help create change through our passions, our purpose, our divine call to service, this divine being deserves a pat on the back at the very least for her enthusiasm and determination… A +++ for effort.

This little lioness will do great things for humanity if nurtured and supported, instead of being beaten down only to be forced to face the destruction of our planet instead of preserving it for generations to come, just like the many who have given up the fight, due to being beaten down by those who do not know any better. Where are our priorities, our loyalties as fellow human beings… with disease, destruction and disharmony or with health, creation and harmony? After all…one positive action can create a positive reality for us all. YOU/WE are not powerless… we are the power. Help or hinder…everything is a choice, is it not?

I ask all of those who oppose – if it was your child standing up for what they believe in, in a constructive way, would you hold them back… squashing their inner sense of self and all of their hopes, wishes and dreams along with it or would you hold their hand as they rise and make a difference in the world where perhaps you could not? And by doing so…helping them go from strength to strength…becoming all that they are meant to become, through following their passion and purpose… Supporting their growth and let them soar high… in the direction, that is their birthright.

To our spiritual leaders and light workers I would like to say – In Oneness WE ARE the Universe! When we stand together as one… We Will Rise As Creators Of OUR REALITY… OUR UNIVERSE!

The Universe (The Divine living system) requires us to ‘work with it’ in order to reclaim our divinity… significantly transforming our planet in an accelerated motion;

The Universe responds to you not for you and unless you rise… to the occasion, we will all continue to suffer in some form or another as a collective. It is time for us all to take a stand, for the things that truly matter to us, before it is too late. To rise together from within… by being the change we wish to see in the world… standing up for what we believe in… when we do so, we are following our divine path from within and ‘WE’ WILL Make A Difference.

Rise above the wounded ‘ego’ and help others up instead of pulling them down. Honour the light from within; no matter how weak or strong it may be… for while ever there is still a spark of light within each of us there is still hope for something bigger, better and brighter to rise up from the ashes… for all of us.

When we let others down, we are letting ourselves down as well, but ultimately we are letting all living things on earth down… through the ripple effect. When we hurt another, we are hurting ourselves and ultimately we are hurting all life on earth…hurting the very planet that offers you and I… vitality of life! When we become one with all life, we will be able to truly live and we, ourselves will become the Vitality of All Life!

Rise! Be the change you wish to see in the world or step back and get out of the way of those who are trying to make a difference. Speak kindly to and of others always, even if you disagree with what they are saying or doing, for you are the light, so…be the light…from within.


You are the light, so… be the light!

You are love, so…be love!

These two are one in the same and until you/we become one with all living things, you/we are neither, in its purest form.


Love & Blessings
Nadine X

© Nadine Head 2020


Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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