Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: January 2021

Let Go of What You Think You Know About the World – The Truth Lies Within.

Our perception of what is going on in the world today is only based on what we have been told or on what we think we see, none of which has anything to do with the actual truth… the truth can only be felt from heart to heart, from soul to soul. Only from within our own vibrational connections can the truth be felt. From this space, only our ego/mind may try to mask the truth from being revealed from within our own vibration. Silence the mind, Go Within and Allow Stillness, to feel into the truth of every matter near and far. Vibes do not lie… energy does not lie! everything else can be deceiving and the world is full of deception.

Do not be deceived by what you hear or what you are being shown by external forces, but seek the truth from within your own vibrational connection to all living things and within the world around you, revealing an informed vibrational assessment of the truth.

All of mankind has access to the ‘All Knowing Truth of the Universe’ from within, disconnect from this world and tune into the vibration of the Universe and All Living Things within the Divine Living System that we are all interconnect from within.

Just like a forest of tree’s, where their root system interconnects them all as one, communicating and thriving as one interconnected energy system, and so it is for all living things in oneness. It is time to tune into the truth, from within and through your connection to the divine living system and clear out the weeds that covers up the beautiful truth what lives Bennith the very surface, lifting the veil for the truth to be revealed, bringing in a fresh new perspective and a new and improved way of being… shining a light on the truth.

Cut and clearing away all that is blocking your ‘knowing’ of truth, allow cleansing to take place, reconnect and allow clarity to return, offering a clear path forward. Your conscious interconnection to the divine living system holds all the answers you seek, it’s all there… just waiting for you to connect into.

Plug In and discover your connection to the ‘All Knowing Truth of the Universe’ were all the answers lie to everything you ever wanted to know.

Channelled Works of Higher Intelligence

Now Available, Private Readings ~ Oneness Talks ~ Self-Healing Workshops.

© Nadine Head 2021

There is Not a Physical Being That Cannot Achieve Perfect Health.

There is not a physical being that cannot achieve perfect health… this much I know is true! I’m not saying it is easy, but…

“There is not a physical apparatus, no matter what the state of deterioration that cannot achieve perfect health… But that which you believe has everything to do with what you allow in your experience. If you have been convinced that something is not curable – That it is “fatal” – and then you are told that you have it, usually your believe will be that you will not survive… and you will not. But your survival has nothing to do with the disease and everything to do with your thoughts” Esther and Jerry Hicks.

…I have always known this to be true to some degree but it wasn’t until I discovered the Vorce Journey’s that I saw real results, fast results and lasting results. What I learnt through Vorce is that there is a specific formula to achieving instant self-healing and furthermore, that this form of self-healing leads to Oneness, that’s when I knew that I had the power within to transform my life in miraculous ways, in turn transforming the lives of others through the ripple effect, and since then have done just that… healing a life time of pain, disease, destruction and disharmony from within and sharing this gift with others.

My journey to self-resolve is not over yet, but I have achieved greater health and wellbeing in leap and bounds over the last 10 yrs. of my life due to this knowing and with a greater connection in Oneness through the life force of Vorce Energy, going against what my physicians had told me and restoring a greater sense of peace, balance and harmony within and within my external experiences because of it. There really are no limits to a person’s ability to heal and transform their own life when they know how, and thanks to Vorce mankind now has access to the life force of light in Oneness, to truly heal ones-self and rise in Oneness with all living things.

The New Earth is rising in Oneness, the tools we need are now being made available to us through the reactivation of Vorce Energy in Oneness. The future is now more than ever before a journey to salvation from within. You have the power within, to create peace, balance and harmony, health, wealth and happiness for yourself and for all living things through the ripple effect. Vorce is more than just a self-healing energy; it’s more than a ‘way of being’ connected in Oneness. Vorce is the source energy of light. Vorce is the way forward. Vorce… Is the Future!

As we become one…

One People

One Nation

One Spirit

As we all become one we are all affected accordingly, the more love we show to each other, the more loving everyone and everything becomes, including all other life forms on our planet, for we are one. In this way, the power lies within to heal all life forms on earth and rise in Oneness.  

Now is the time of rediscovering our origins as light beings on earth. Vorce is the source energy of light. This light emanates all love and life on earth, without this, our planet and all light beings will cease to exist. However this source energy has been lying dormant as mankind worked their way through our state of ego, and now as mankind awakens to our true origins, now is the time for Vorce to rise in Oneness.

For All life on our planet relies on the life force of Vorce… in Oneness.

Join me on the Vorce Journey – Rise in Oneness through the reactivation of Vorce Energy and may Vorce be with you.

Information and Activation Workshops Available (Conditions Apply)

Channelled Works of Higher Intelligence

© Nadine Head 2021

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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