Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: May 2021


Do you believe in other light beings such as ET’s/Aliens/UFO’s?

Some of us claim to have seen or made contact with other light beings of various forms and in various ways, some have experienced the wonder of being in the presence of such sacred soul beings and others fear the unknown. We are all sacred soul beings, simply in different physical forms.

One thing that is becoming increasingly clear, is that whether we believe in them or not will no long be the question in our minds over the coming weeks, month and years… for as mankind raise our vibration and awaken to more and more of our own souls truth, all truths will emerge into our reality and through our acceptance and desire for growth and expansion in oneness.

Fear not the unknown, or what our government officials and media tell us in relation to our fellow light beings, but simply drop into your heart centre with love and acceptance of other life forms, for they are here and they are here to help us awaken to more of our soul’s truth in oneness, for the greater good of ALL.

When we consciously connect with and embrace other life forms… new worlds will emerge in oneness.

Connect with those who remind you of who you are, in this world and of others… for we are All One.

Nadine Head – Channelling ‘The Higher Works of Intelligence’

Oneness Information and Activation Workshops are Available (Conditions apply)

© Nadine Head 2021


WARNING… this post may trigger the wounded ego.

‘It’s poor spiritual hygiene to ignore your intuition’ Unknown

Let’s not stop there shall we… let’s get real for once and unpack this…

I’m not here to judge… we are all guilty of self-sabotage, knowingly and or unknowingly but… isn’t it time that we all get real with ourselves and acknowledge our self-sabotage for what it is… serving the wounded ego!

When we are in health and wellbeing we are more easily able to connect to self and to source energy and therefore we each have greater insight through intuition and to our connection to the divine and into who we really are and what we are really capable of as soul beings and most of us have no idea of the many layers and depths of these insightful truths of the soul, until we reach a point in our lives where our awakened souls wisdom shines a light on the truth from within.

One thing I’ve always known to be true through this process is that…it’s poor spiritual hygiene to dishonour our body, mind and spirit, by introducing it to toxicity, through unhealthy thoughts, words and actions, people, places and things… such as foods, chemicals and coverings and as pretty or tough as they may appear, body piercings, tattoos, dyes and cosmetics are all forms of spiritual sabotage, for in truth… none of which honour our body, mind and spirit… in total health and wellbeing and in its truest form.

We can all do better than this…we were born to do better than this! Now is the time to awaken to our soul’s truth, to know who we really are and what we are truly capable of in honour of our spiritual being… our soul’s truth and purpose. It’s time to awaken to and honour in love and light… our true divinity. Now is the time to step into the knowing of who you really are as a soul being and what you are really capable of, in optimal health and wellbeing… shining a light on the world like never before… for OUR future relies on it.

If this post has triggered something within you, do not ignore your souls calling to heal the ego within. Instead embrace the journey to heal and know yourself… moving forward in spiritual truth and divine service and towards a brighter future for all. For we are one and if one is sick than we are all sick. What the world needs now is your conscious transformation… from self-imposed illness to self-imposed wellness… one conscious step at a time.

Channelled Workings of Higher Intelligence.

Nadine Head Oneness Advocate, Educator and Activator – Private sessions are available.

© Nadine Head 2021

When You Rise In Your Power, New Worlds Will Emerge.

The ‘Divine Living System’ is literally shaking up and weeding out all evil, to make it visible to the world, all truths will be revealed from within and without… throughout ALL THAT IS… and things may get worse before they get better. Know that when you honour your soul’s truth, you are divinely protected.

A balance between two worlds, from within is required… forging a rise in grace and great strength as we rise up from one state of being to another. When you are able to stand in stillness… rest in peace and rise in glory… from rising up against all evil, then the battles you face will be fought and won.

Know your truth… know your worth, and If and when evil comes knocking at your door or upon your shores in any shape or form… stand firm… do not invite it in and above all else… do not give into it willingly. Honour your sovereignty… reclaim your divinity. Raise and hold your faith and last but not least…Trust the process!

In this way, the battle will be fought and won and the ‘New Earth’ will continue to emerge in all of its former glory. You have within you, the power to create worlds and when you rise within your power, new worlds will emerge!  

Love and light to one and all ♥

Channelling ‘The Divine Works of Higher Intelligence.’

Image: Unknown

© Nadine Head 2021

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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