Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: July 2021

The Unveiling

The energetic and worldly shift, we have all been waiting for has arrived. You might have felt it!?

We are fighting a spiritual war, and it’s about to get a little more intense or should I say… rather interesting as the people rise up.

This war is unlike any world war we have ever seen before, because it is not so much, a physical war, or though it may appear to be. But it is rather, an energetic war. The war is between two very different vibrational frequencies on the Earths plan. One is a low vibration of consciousness, which serves the ego mind, which effectively, suppresses all life on Earth. The other is a higher vibration of consciousness, which serves the soulful heart, which effectively, gives more life. These two opposing energies have been at war for centuries.

Those, who may be somewhat aware, know that narcissistic energies are rife at this time, and these energies are coming to the surface for all to see, just how deeply ingrained they are. These energies are showing up more often, within our personal connections with others, and throughout the world at large, at this time, yet on a very different level than we are used to seeing.

Those, who are more fully aware, know that there is a rising, of ‘heart energy’ at this time and these energies are rising up from within for all to feel, just how deeply ingrained they are and as a result, we can feel these energies rising up within us, and within the world and the people rise.

Both of these energies are rising up in very different ways, one uses a very negative and forceful way, and the other, a gentle, loving way… you might have notice that amongst the turmoil, you may feel at peace and even joyful at times within yourself, and without any logical explanation. This is because these gentle energies, are rising up from within, and from a place of love… offering you the energies of peace, love and protection.

If we are at war with these energies within ourselves, then we can expect to feel and experience the highs and lows within our thoughts, feels and actions… our energy may be high one day, and low the next, this is a reflection of the imbalances within ourselves and throughout the world…as one.

What most of us do not know, is how deeply ingrained these two energies are within ourselves, and within the greater whole, penetrating the earths vibration, shifting realities for All Living Things on Earth and throughout the entire Universe. However this is now changing, as our vibration rises from a place of love and connection.

Narcissism is a disease born out of the negative forces of ego/evil. The world, Earth, has been severely damaged, by the power and control of the narcissistic vibration, blanketing and penetrating the earth, for centuries, and what we see of it, in our own personal relationships, is just a small part of a much greater force at play, and in truth, is just the very tip of the iceberg. There is a little bit of the narcissist within each and every one of us, within the parts of us that need healing. This is now being reviled to us and to the world on a larger scale, and is being deflected within our personal relationships, where conflict appears, to show us what needs healing from within.

The good news is, due to this process of opposing forces, we are in a time where, all truths are now being revealed, to the world. Revealing all that has been hidden up until now, and bringing forth a greater awareness, of how deeply these energies have affected our personal lives, the world at large and on the Earth’s vibration, both on the surface and from deep within it’s core, suppressing all life on earth… suppressing, the life force energy of Oneness.

By healing ourselves and raising our vibration, we are healing the planet, and in doing so, the opposing forces weaken and start to fight back, in an attempt to take back control and power of the free-spirited and loving hearts of the people.

What they fear is love, for it creates a world, they cannot control. The vibration of fear is their weapon. Fear is an energy that has great power. What you fear… controls you.

This is what we are all, seeing happening throughout the world today… the weapon of fear, coercing the people into being controlled. Thankfully not everyone is easily led down this path, and have a strong desire to seek truth and through this process, more of the truth is being revealed. Through this process, the war has already been won, but it is not over yet.

What we are experiencing in the world today, is what is referred to, as the Ego Death, in full view of the world. Out of resistance, these dark energies are rising up in an attempt, to claw their way back and to take back, power and control of the people, the world at large… and the earth’s vibration. They will not succeed!

Rise up, take back your power. Fear no more. Rise up, by loving yourself, healing your life and standing firm within your true… becoming the best version of yourself, for the greater good of ALL. We take back our power by raising our vibration and connection to self, with each other and with all life on Earth. Focus on what you want, not what you fear.

What we are now experiencing in the world, on a deeper level, is a clearing away of these dark forces, by Divine Will and through the world’s greater awareness, of what needs to change from within, backed up with aligning action.

Do not shy away from such energies, if and when they show up in your life, in your personal relationships or in the world at large. Look them straight in the eye and hold yourself steady, observe carefully, allowing any hidden truth to be revealed to you. Allowing, any soul lessons, to be revealed to you.

These energies may show up in the most unlikely of people. Be prepared to see traces of narcissistic energies, which may be present within yourself or within those who cross your path, and within the world as a whole. These energies may be subtle, or may come at you with great force, either way, do not turn away, if you can help it and of course without putting your life in danger, protect yourself at all times. Face them, so that there full force may be revealed to you. So, the truth may be felt and seen. So that transformation can take place within this energetic war. Remain centred, follow your intuition, it knows the way, it knows when to make a stand and when to walk away.

By standing firm in your truth, you weaken these dark energies and they will be transformed, in ways you cannot see, for this is not a physical war, but is an energetic war. This is the only way, for what has been hidden from you, to be revealed to you, and for real change to take place within you, and within the world.

These energies must be brought out into the open, for all to see and to be stood down by the power you hold within, standing in your power, holding yourself steady in the power of truth and integrity (love) and by allowing your stance (energy) to do all the work for you, creating transformation within our current reality. 

The universe is revealing all that in which, you are meant to see, from that in which you are meant to learn, heal and grow from. This process will ultimately be your saving grace, taking you to the next level in your life, and transforming the world… where The New Human for The New Earth will rise up, from out of the ashes.

Welcome these energies as they appear before you learn and grow from each experience and from any trace of narcissistic energies within you, within others, and on and within the Earth. For the unveiling of these energies within our lives, and throughout the world, will put an end to this war and bring forth, The New Earth.

Nadine’s Insights – Channelling – Works of Higher Intelligence.

© Nadine Head 2021


Staying on mission when experiencing Twin Soul rejection.

Rejecting a Soul Mate is solely for the purpose of learning. When we reject our Twin Flame, it is solely for the purpose of our own personal growth.

Soul Mates = Self-Learning and Twin Souls = Self-Growth.

Our rejection of another is never about the other person, it is solely about oneself. Rejecting others stems from rejecting parts of ourselves and is intended for the purpose of helping us to learn, grow and heal this part of ourselves from within. The healing follows the learning and the growing…one must learn and grow in order to heal oneself. The healing brings us into a sense of self-acceptance. Strengthening and deepening our self-acceptance brings us into knowing our self-worth, thus brings us into unconditional love of self, which consequently, brings us back into alignment with our Twin Soul.

Unconditional love is the name of the game. Twin Souls are on mission to come together as one, however Twin Souls cannot come into a ‘harmonious union’ until they have learnt to love all of themselves unconditionally, bringing them back into alignment within themselves and with each other… magnetically bringing them together and into a harmonious union of unconditional love for self, for each other and for freedom. Freedom is the catalyst for unconditional love, to love without force or restriction, within the divine laws of course. Unconditional love of Twin Souls activates universal freedom, assisting in restoring universally peace, balance and harmony.

Our mistakes are just that, and are intended to bring us into unconditional love, of the purest form. Learn from your mistakes, heal your inner wounding, address and heal your inner demons… strengthen your own sense of self… being made up of your own sense of self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, self-love and self-worth, learning all the while to love yourself unconditionally… becoming a magnetic vibrational match for your Twin Soul. Do not be concerned for their growth.

As you grow and learn to love yourself, so does your Twin Soul. The more you work on and improve on, within yourself, the closer you get to union. It is most important to Let Go, Allow and Trust the process to take its natural course, as not to create blockages towards union. Reunion may take place several attempts before a harmonious union can be achieved, as each time either one of you is triggered by the other into yet another separation… there is a need and purpose, for more healing to take place.

Your Twin Soul/Flame is your Divine Counterpart. Part of your mission here on Earth is to learn and grow from your mistakes, healing your life, becoming the embodiment of unconditional love for the rising of all life on Earth… coming together, As One. This process is part of a greater whole, that relies on a successful outcome, for the co-creation of world, peace, balance and harmony… creating the New Humans for The Earth.

There is no need to rush this process… however, it is important to stay on mission within your-self. So, live your life, with or without your Twin Soul’s physical presence, enjoy and trust the process, within Divine Laws of course. You and your Twin Soul are never spiritually apart, but are only ever in physical separation. Always follow your intuition for it is your soul, calling you to your mission, regardless of the direction it guides you in.

Love & Blessings Xx

Nadine’s Insights – Channelling of Higher Intelligence.

Personal Sessions are Available.

© Nadine Head 2021

Becoming One with the Divine Living System.

Moving forward, in the days, weeks, months and years ahead, consciously awaken all of your natural senses and instincts, consciously connect with and observe the natural world and natural instincts of all living things. Strengthen this connection, with the aim to move with and around each other gracefully as one… opening up the channels for a deeper connection of communication, such as vibrational and telepathic recognition and communication. All living things in Oneness have the ability to connect and communicate in this way, and it is the appropriate action to take in the ever evolving process, in the evolution of Oneness.

Pay close attention to the birds, depending on your location and circumstances, they may offer relevant messages, warnings and guidance, as will other life forms, that gently and gracefully move with and around you. By doing so, you will begin to notice how this connection, starts to shift and change your reality from a sense of disconnection to a deeper sense, of connection…offering wonderful new opportunities and blessings, within the ‘natural world’ of Oneness.

Tapped into this ever evolving connection in oneness, all life emanates all of creation… activating a higher resonance of being, and an elevation of pure love and light on earth, and the New Earth continues to Evolve.

Become One with the Divine Living System… co-creating The New Earth In Oneness, for the greater good of All Life on Earth and throughout the entire Galaxy… for We Are One!

Nadine’s Insights – Channelling – Higher Beings of Divine Intelligence. 

Private Sessions are Available.

© Nadine Head 2021

Co-Creating the New Earth

Accelerate your ascension and co-creation of the New Earth – Emotions manifest at a much fast rate then thoughts do.

Rather than thousands of people imagining what they want the New Earth to look like, from within our limited and conflicting human perceptions, and all the possibilities, of what we could all possibly imagine… feel into what it is, you would like the New Earth, to feel like.

Feel it from within your body, mind and spirit… feel what it would be like to feel completely free, to feel at peace, to feel balanced and harmonious within yourself, and with the Divine Living System (Nature). Feel into the true essence of freedom and purity of life… love and light on all levels of existence, in this world and throughout the entre Galaxy.

Open your heart and allow your ‘feeling energy’ to ripple out, and throughout the Universe, touching each and every tree, plant, animal, element and person, co-creating with the Divine Living System, your most desired ‘feeling reality’ here on Earth.

Start embodying within your life, the true essence of nature, love and light from within, and feel yourself, feeling free from the 3D world we all live in. Seek greater depths of awareness. Embody the true essence of nature and all that lives within the Divine Living System… accelerating the eternal creation of the New Earth…. our future reality!

Rather than imagining what the New Earth will look like, feel into how you want it to feel, and how you will feel in your New Reality.

Love & Blessings X

Nadine’s Insights – Channelling, a Higher Intelligence.

Private Sessions are Available.

© Nadine Head 2021

Shifting Our Reality

Some serve themselves from the ego mind, while others serve humanity from a loving heart, and many are in transition from one state to the other.

When the people come together as one, we become an almighty force that serves to create and preserve life. The power obtained by serving ALL LIFE on earth is far greater than that of the power obtained by being self-serving, regardless of how powerful the self-serving may have become singularly or collectively. When mankind (man is kind) the Divine Living System rises up, physically, mentally, spiritually… energetically to work together with humanity to shift our reality.

With an open heart, physically, mentally, spiritually and energetically, rise and stand to serve and preserve ALL LIFE on earth and WE will all become witness to a great shift in humanity and in our reality… and The New Earth will evolve.

The majority wins… and we win from within. Raise your vibration to new heights of awareness and become one with All Living things on Earth and throughout the entire Divine Living System… shifting our reality!

Nadine’s Insights – Channelling A Higher Intelligence.

Private Sessions Are Available.

© Nadine Head 2021

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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