Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: October 2021

Heal Thy Self

WE… You and Me… We Are One.

WE can heal ANYTHING… as long as YOU don’t take it out, for WE cannot put it back in – The Universe.

While ever mankind believe that they need external forces to heal themselves, they will remain in ill health. True healing comes from within.

True Health and Wellbeing is unlike that, in which ANY man, woman or child has ever experienced on Earth before…even though it is more than possible to achieve, for one’s self and for the collective.

This knowledge is now being made available to mankind. However, ‘True Healing’ cannot take effect until… it is truly ‘known from within.’ Know this Truth for yourself… and so it will be.

For more Information, Guidance and Activation Workshops – Activating Life Force Energy for Self-Healing and Advancement in Oneness –

Insights, Love and Blessings x

Channelling Higher Intelligence © Nadine Head 2021

The World Crisis ~ The Bigger Picture ~ Manifestation & Creation

The way I see it, is like this… we are all in this mess, because our leaders… elites and politicians, chose to dishonour their own true faith… faith being their souls truth… the people’s faith…the only faith…the ALL ‘Knowing Faith.’ What happened to ‘Thou shalt not kill?’ I do not believe in this statement because it is in the bible. I believe in this statement, because I know it to be right, and to be true, from deep within my heart and soul, and within ‘The All Knowing Truth of the Universe’ that we are all connected to, from within and As One.

The ability or desire to supress, hurt, harm or kill another person or living thing, due to difference, gain or greed, comes from a place of disconnect within one’s self… and from a place of imbalance, within the masculine and feminine energies within one’s self. This desire or action comes from one’s ego, and the ego has no place in the heart of a true leader… or MAN… or WOMAN. A boy naturally becomes a MAN when he learns to reconnect to self, and restore balance within the masculine and famine energies within himself… connected to his soul’s truth, his ‘innate knowing’ – connected to the ‘All Knowing Truth’ of the Universe, and the same goes for a woman.

Understandably, growth takes time… human evolution takes time, because we have been lead down a path of disconnection, within ourselves and within the greater whole, and therefore the evolution of the soul, remains less than desired for most. We still have a long way to go, if we are to see this change to any great extent, but unless we become more aware of whom we are as soul beings, and how our individual actions affect the greater whole… then we will continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, within ourselves and within the collective, As One.

I believe that mankind have now reached a point in time, of greater awareness and deeper knowing… where now is a perfect time, not just to create change, but to create GREAT CHANGE, through honouring our soul’s truth.  

Isn’t it time we took our power back. Isn’t it time we took a lot more time and effort, to get to know the real person behind, who a man claims to be, to choose a Real Leader… not to just take their word that they are, who they say they are, and what they will do for us… we have tried that and been lied to for decades, and we are now paying a very high price! It’s time we choose a MAN for a MANS job and I don’t know about you, but my idea of a MAN, is not a person who wishes to suppress, condemn or kill others for ANY reason, for their wrong doings or for gain and greed, but instead, to lead the lost towards truth and honour… towards their own victory, no man left behind… right!

 A Man who leads by good example is a true Leader. A man, who chooses to supress, hurt, harm or kill another for any reason, wrong doing, self-gain or greed is no MAN at all. I believe that we are only meant to take from this Earth what we need, no more and no less. Greed is an enemy of the people and all life on our planet.  

Isn’t it time we choose a leader, who knows that they work for the good of the people, and its time they earnt that position, through showing us who they are… as a human being… as a Man… after all, it’s a MANS job, that they are ‘applying’ for, not a game for boys. I believe it is time to choose a leader who will create GREAT CHANGE, that has the best interest for all of humanity, and all living things, at heart… preserving our ‘life force.’ We need a leader who is connected to self, and to the greater whole… honouring all life on Earth, for GREATER CHANGE…a process that may take decades to show any really results, but if we don’t get started now, in making significant change towards self-preservation and preserving that in which sustains us, we may never have the opportunity to even try, to create a life worth living for, in a world worth living In.

It’s time we return to our soul’s truth, and live our lives as originally intended, by Natural Law. Mankind strayed from natural law long ago, believing man knows better. Mankind interfered with the flawless process of Natural Law, instead of honouring it. Those who honour self and all living things, rise to greater heights within themselves. Those who do not, fall into despair… this, is nature’s way, this is how we learn and how we grow… this is how we evolve! This process is perfection by Divine Will, for the purpose of our soul’s evolution. Perfection cannot be created, by the imperfection of mankind, and defiantly, not by man’s desire for control, gain and greed. We all have a choice, to rise or to fall, by our own will, that is why we are here on Earth, to evolve, by way of, our own natural and divine will, under the guidance of Natural Law.

So, if we insist on having a leader… we must choose very wisely. We must choose one who is the most worthy of such a high honouring position, within society. We must choose a leader, who honours all life on Earth. Otherwise, we are nothing, but slaves to our keepers.  

It is time for great change. It’s time to focus on the bigger picture, to expand our vision of what is possible, and to manifest and create our deepest desires for greater change, from within.

Be the change you wish to see in the world, and let nature take care of the rest… for it alone, upholds ALL TRUTHS within existence.

Insights, Love & Blessings

Nadine x

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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