Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: March 2022

The Answer Lies Deep Within You!

While there may be many truths in all the information coming to you at this time, and into the future, regarding this world and that of the Off World. All distractions are designed to take you off your own spiritual path from within, and where all the power, knowledge and wisdom of ‘All That Is’ resides… it lives deep within you.

When you are distracted by information external from yourself, your ‘life force energy’ within your own divinity diminishes, the more you seek answers outside of yourself, and are distracted by external forces and influences, the more your Life Force Energy and the secrets it holds diminishes. When you return to self, and seek connection to self, and to the Universe from within, and block out any external distractions, your ‘Life Force Energy’ increases, and expand well beyond yourself…where all truths may be revealed.

‘The All Knowing Truth of the Universe’ which is All Eternal, is within you and through this innate knowing you become the key to Eternal Life, not as we currently know it, but that of Eternal Life, in Pure Love and Light of Oneness. ALL external influences and forces are designed to distract you from this truth, whether they are aware of it or not.

You are Eternal Life, what determines the quality of your life, is the quality of your connection to self, and to ‘all that lives’. Learn to listen, to no other but your higher self, as one with the Divine. The longer you look for the answers you seek, from external sources, the longer you and all of humanity will endure suffering, from within in the dark shadows of your diminishing Life Force. What the world needs most, is your personal transformation, learn to ‘Let Go’ of the rest. For all truths, will rise up to your consciousness from within, when the time is right, and not before. Trust yourself! Trust all that is Truly Divine, trusting the Process!

In your truest form, you are the Vibration of Pure Unconditional Love. Your mission in this life is to remove all the conditional impurities, which you have built up around and against yourself, throughout many life times, so that you may ‘Know Your Worth’ and worthiness of Pure Unconditional Love, in Light of Oneness!

Be the Light that creates the change, we all wish to see in the world.

Become the Love that brings forth, the New Earth Rising in Oneness, for All Eternity…returning to Eternal Life in Pure Love and Light… in Oneness.

Reactivate Vorce Energy with Nadine Head ~ In Co-creation The Rising of the New Earth in Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2022

The Power of Words to Awaken the Force!

In a world designed to lower our vibration raising our vibration is paramount, and can literally be life-saving, in turn saving the world!

The manipulation of the belief and power surrounding the meaning and appropriate use of words, has been used for centuries to assist the lowering of our vibration; in order to suppress many enlightening truths from rising to our awareness, for the purpose of a few who seek power, gain and control over the masses. The manipulation of belief in the true meaning and power of words has always been used in the battle between good and evil.

The manipulation of word meaning and the powers that they hold, can change everything. In some cases, it can literally mean the difference between life and death. Today we face this very sentiment and discover that, what was once dead, must once again rise for the greater good of all. By simply reinstating the true spelling, pronunciation, placement and meaning of words, we are able to reinstate the Divine Powers they hold…reinstating a deeper awareness and more powerful use of our Life Force Energy. This knowledge and knowing is within us all, and can be easily accessed by raising our vibration to greater heights, within higher dimensions.

Here is a simple example of just how damning the manipulation of belief, through the power of words, has had on the whole of humanity. This following well known statement has been used in a powerful way, to give meaning to a seemingly fictitious story, in turn keeping humanity in a suppressed belief system, that in the following statement ‘May the Force be with you’ that ‘The Force within you’ is in fact fictitious yet may be somewhat real, because in reality humanity has a sense within, of this being somewhat true, yet do not believe it be so.

In truth, the force is within you and by turning these words into a fictitious sentiment, evil forces throughout the world have been able to manipulate and prolong the truth from coming to our awareness, by the power of suggestion and manipulation they have managed to convince us, that the force is not real, but only in the scripts they have written for us.

For as long as you and I can remember and as far back as history has been written, dark forces have manipulated humanity into a suppressed state of being, through the fabrication of words and there true meaning. This has been done, in order to suppress the true power of love and light, through the use of words, and the effect they have on humanity, and the true elevation and miraculous powers of ‘Life Force Energies’ with the proper use of words and language.

If humanity knew of and empowered the ‘life force’ within through the true power of words, the battle between good and evil would be lost to the greater ‘Forces of New Life’ that which is ‘Pure Love and Light in Oneness’. For both the forces of love and light, have the power to bring forth New Life, far greater than our imagination can currently bring to life. And when these forces are acknowledged and embraced from deep within, ‘The Force’ will rise up from within, bringing with it great power…the power of All That Is, of All Living Things, in ways we have never seen or experienced on Earth before. You Are the Force. The Force is within you. Be the Force!

Believe, So It Is.

Reactivate Vorce Energy with Nadine Head ~ In Co-creation of The Rising of the New Earth in Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2022

The Opportunity of a Lifetime Is Right In Front of You ~ Recognise the Possibilities.

Let Go ~ Live In Truth ~ Allow Stillness ~ Recognise Possibilities ~ Grow In Wisdom

You are now being presented with an opportunity, the opportunity to ‘Recognise the Possibilities’ and to choose how you want to live your life.

Take time now, to ‘let Go’ of all you have previously known. ‘Allow Stillness’ ~ go within, and look for the answers you seek… ‘Living in Truth’ of who you are, and what you really want, perhaps you’ll choose something new. Radical change is favoured.

Choose how you want to live your life…and or choose any wonderful new beginnings, that are being presented to you at this time…growing in wisdom, from whatever transpires, with the knowledge that all is well and ends well.

Know that everything Divine moves in your favour, and for your highest good. Nothing is missing. Learn all you can from your experiences and ‘Grow in Wisdom’.

Let Go, Live In Truth, Allow Stillness, Recognise Possibilities and Grow In Wisdom, to greater depths than you have ever gone before, recognising and embracing all the possibilities…All the Wonderful New Possibilities.


Nadine’s Channelled Insights

Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator

Blogger and Workshop Facilitator


© Nadine Head 2022

Wow…What a Crazy Ride!

The last few weeks can only be described as unnatural and distracting. Unseen manipulative energies at play have surrounded us all, and have affected us all in various ways, to varying degrees.

Many have felt these energies heavily moving within and all around us, and some may have simply noticed more subtle changes within and all around. Many have experienced changes in behaviour or mood, changing perspectives, etc. within self, within others and within the wider world as we know it. Some have experienced submissive, suppressive and oppressive treatment, and or symptoms.

While it may not appear so, something very dark has come to an end during this time, and the energies of this event has shadowed over us all, over the last month. So, what now!?

Those who serve the dark will now reap what they sow, in unimaginable and unfathomable ways. All living beings will now, reap what they sow, by divine law and by divine will. Nothing at this time is as it may appear and you may be asking… what comes next?

Sit tight and be aware, that as we move forward, that which is light may appear as dark and that which is dark may appear as light. Many truths will also come to light. Trust your intuition and discernment, within your inner and outer world. Stay connected to those you know you can trust. Connection is paramount, be it in self, with other living beings in the Divine living system, and or with source energy. Move freely with the energies of disconnect and connect, rather than by that of force, anything done by force, is done out of fear.

Great changes are taking place within us, and all around us. Soon, the light within and without will become brighter, brighter than ever before. Nothing will ever be the same again, nor should it ever be.

New opportunities and new beginnings await those who are ready and willing, to embrace the New and Improved life, that is about to unfold… by the will of humanity, for humanity.


Nadine’s Channelled Insights

Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator

Blogger and Workshop Facilitator


© Nadine Head 2022

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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