Psychic Medium Channeler

Monthly Archives: April 2023


I have been divinely guided to write on this matter a few times now and have done my best to relay this message, but the time has come to send out one last warning, for the final call is here and now!

God’s wrath is truly upon us and has reached a pivotal point in time. Many have repeatedly ignored the warning signs that they have received from the universe, through their trials and tribulations, and restriction through illness, loss or injury. Sadly and as a result, many of them will now perish, for the simple reason that they refuse to listen to the warning signs, warning them to stop attempting to go up against Gods chosen/people, warning them to cease all attempts to interfering with the divine will of others and that of Gods divine will and intent. Many will now fall, at the hand of their own ignorance and arrogance; lives will be lost, through natural and unsuspecting meaning as divine justice is served upon the unjust.

Immediate action through repentance and rectification is required for salvation. The Divine is all seeing, hearing and knowing, nothing and no-one goes unnoticed. Nothing can stop what is now coming, other than that of one’s own repentance and remission. To all of whom it may concern, this is your final call and the choice is here now and for you to make. No-one and nothing can save you now but yourself. May you choose wisely and may God have mercy!  

Divine protection is bestowed upon those of pure heart and soul ~ The Universe

NAYA ~ Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


When humanity has been conditioned to turn what is considered normal, into that which is considered to be abnormal and that which is abnormal into normal, one must ask oneself – what makes my Body, Mind and Spirit truly come to Life, from the inside out, not from the outside in?

We are not that which conditions us to feel a false sense of self and of reality from external means. We are that which has the power to generate greater life force, that which gives us a pure and true sense of self and of reality from within, for we are life itself, which is not a thought, emotion nor feeling but a way of being that gives new life and new meaning to life, we are of the divine essence of life…the DIVINE Essence of LIFE!

Ask yourself, what gives you renewed life and then do more of that which gives you, LIFE…not a life, but LIFE itself and as you discovered the true meaning of life, through bringing yourself back to life, you will learn to know your new normal!     

~ NAYA ~

Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness & Founder of Vorce – Life Force Energy in Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


Many are struggling at this time, to know right from wrong and dark from light. Know and understand that which is of the light; all that is pure and true is divine, all that is divine is of pure divine essence. All that is of pure divine essence is of divine love and light.

All that is of divine ‘love and light’ is ‘pure and true’ in nature and by nurture, which is light to the senses, gentle, graceful and majestic, offering clarity of self and purpose. All that is light is right and all that is not is not, this can be seen and felt by nature’s way ‘through Natural Law’ all that is righteous gives more life, and all that is not, does not.

Being Divine is a way of being that is righteous and all that is righteous is truly divine – all that is Divine by nature and by nurture is of the Light.

~ NAYA ~

Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


Humanity is living in a time where what is right, is considered to be wrong and what is wrong, is considered to be right. Some may say there is no right or wrong, this belief within itself generates confusion, creating a false sense of self and of reality, this way of thinking comes from human conditioning; which is solely intended to take one off their divine path, by believing and doing whatever makes them feel good in the moment, whether it be right or wrong. In reality, life itself teaches us right from wrong, through life’s ups and downs.




All that is divine is pure and true. All that is pure and true is divine, by way of being divine. To live by, the way of the divine, one must live their life by Natural Law, thus creating peace, balance and harmony to all living things on Earth. Anything less than, naturally creates an imbalance to all living things on Earth. Therefore, there is a right way to our divine beingness; being of the divine essence of all life on Earth.

Live your life by way of the divine, by Natural Law with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing, reclaiming your divinity, ultimately, restoring equilibrium to all living things on Earth and beyond, for we are one.

To live by Natural Law is to live in peace, balance and harmony within oneself and with all living things on Earth, through this way; nature takes care of all the rest, bringing optimal health, abundance and happiness to ALL.

~ NAYA ~

Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2023


Place your faith in the divine and your trust in divine protection.

We have all been manipulated by that which is false appearing as truth at some time or another, in our own personal lives and within the wider world to great extent; one must look beneath the surface to be a good detective in order to determine what a lie is and what truth is. The way to determine truth from lies is to embrace the light.

Before we go any further, let me give you an example of what I am talking about, so you know where I am coming from and are able to see some of the ways we are being deceived by our own fears and conditioned by that of others.

Many wise words come from the mouths of the unfaithful, wisdom such as “don’t tell everyone your next move, not everyone is on your team” or “don’t give too much away” these are statements I have heard floating around quite a bit lately and for the simple reason that not everyone is on our team, many would easily be lead to believe, these are very wise words indeed, right!? And they would be right…if they wish to live a fear based reality. The truth is, these actioning statements are a form of personal and social conditioning. Let me explain.

True wisdom comes from the love you have within. The above statements in question, come from a place of fear and in essence are a form of fear based conditioning, which in effect restricts a person from fully embracing their authentic being, ultimately disabling a person and the world as a whole from reclaim divinity, were all is divine love, light and Oneness.

A person, who believes these types of actioning statements are the right way to self-protection, is living from within a 3D fear based reality and therefore, are one of the unfaithful. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been there, we all have and many still are. “We all do what we know to be right until we know better and then we do better” Now is the time for us all to do better, and to awaken from the illusion we have all been under, by way of the unfaithful.

The unfaithful do not trust the power of divine protection and therefore, too often and too easily fall under the conditioning and manipulative ways of those who choose to abuse their power, and whose loyalties lie elsewhere.

When you place your faith in the divine and trust divine protection, miracles happen! There is no greater force than that of the divine and in your divinity; you are all that is truly divine. You Are the Power of All That Is, in love and light of Oneness. Be discerning, open your eyes to the hidden truths that surround us all and make wiser choices from the loving and faithful heart within, connected to the great and powerful divine presence of All That Is, in love and light of Oneness. Place your faith in the divine and your trust in divine protection, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL.

~ NAYA ~

Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2022

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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